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GIRLS OF HEAVEN VS GIRLS OF HELL Introspecting The Feminine Power Perspective
Author: Dr. Sima Kumari
Language : English
paperback : 261 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-93-6884-503-4
Country of Origin : India
Publisher : Book Rivers(12 March 2025)
Categories: Books, NON-FICTION
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A poem, a shayari.... something that one individual writes and is felt by the audience at large. Words, sentences, paragraphs that are etched in one's minds and are remembered till the grave, they make a person wise and bring them close to reality. In a world where people are busy accomplishing a life that they had dreamt of, one has almost forgotten to sit back and live im the moment. In "Chhand Band Kavitayein", Somya Bariar brings to you some of her finest short poems that encourage you to just take a little break and relax. With her engaging words and powerful statements, she is very promising. Indulge yourself in this very anthology where Somya has spoken her mind trying to connect with yours.
Cleopatra (Middle English)
At the lobby the manager was waiting, it appeared that he was happy that tiger was sighted which meant that in actuality tigers make appearance. So all in all the group had spotted Cleopatra. There was no room for controversies, so they gleefully enjoyed the tea offered by the resort. Victorious, the group made their next move to the cottage for freshening up. Arnold spoke in a loud voice “boys and girls next meeting at eight PM in the lawn”.
"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it." ~ Albus Dumbledore. Missed opportunities, sleepless nights, unfinished stories, unsent letters and all that amateur minds can bear penned down on paper in this book ,Spilled Ink. Just as the name suggests, when the magic inside your mind finds a way other than your mouth to come out , the ink and paper starts telling stories of you and me. Spilled Ink is an anthology compiled by Disita Sikdar and Shayoni Roy with other 60+ writers, contain poems and stories about individuals , their journeys and things to which we all can relate. This book is about you,me and everyone like us. It's a must read for everyone who wants to sneak inside the minds of people just like them, to read what they were trying to tell themselves for a long time but were not able to.
इस दुनिया में रहना सीखो (Hindi)
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A series of murders and kidnappings has shook the people of Jordan's town. One tragedy follows after another. There seems to be no end to this madness. In this tale of madness and murder, the author paints a picture with blood. The protagonist Jordan has known his life to be mundane and predictable, like the life of any high schooler. However his life is soon thrown into chaos when his friends and classmates suddenly go missing! Not having any means or power to go against the evils of the world, what will Jordan do to save his friends? How will he save his own sanity? Join Jordan in this tale of murder and mystery. Once you get the taste of what’s happening you can not stop yourself from turning the page. What appears to be a stereotypical mystery in the beginning might turn to be something that you did not expect.
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Ret Par Nadi (Hindi)
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