All the daughters of the world are Lakshmi, but where are all the sons Narayan…? The novel begins with this motto and continues with the struggle saga of Janki. Janki the heroine of the story, at her honeymoon night, learns about her fair coloured handsome husband Kamal, that he is a drunkard, but she found herself unable to leave him and run away. From then on begins, the journey of her whole life, drowning in the torrent of liquor. Her only son Ratan also follows the footprints of his father. Both father and son get their premature death. Janki’s family falls apart. In the end, she brings to the public, the battle against alcoholism, what she was fighting in her family, and even in her old age, she has been fighting against it as a ‘one-man army’; But just as Sita-Janki entered the earth, in the same way this Janki also got sacrificed on the altar of alcohol… Story related to today’s social concerns, specially in rural India. This work screams loudly against all possible aspects and venue of the liquor -consumption, and tries to find any resolution against it.
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THE CLAY DOLL (a novel)
₹240.00 Original price was: ₹240.00.₹220.00Current price is: ₹220.00.
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- Language : English
- Paperback : 184 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-93-5515-207-7
- Country of Origin : India
- Generic Name : Fiction
- Publisher : Book Rivers(14 February 2022
Category: NOVEL
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