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Marma Shariram Urdhvashakhagat Marma Volume-2
₹199.00 Original price was: ₹199.00.₹190.00Current price is: ₹190.00.
Author: Dr. Drashti V. Patel,Dr. Bandapalle Dattu N.,Dr. Tanmay Adhikari
Language : English
Paperback : 103 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-93-5515-433-0
Country of Origin : India
Publisher : Book Rivers(23 Aug 2022)
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A better device is the triac, bidirectional thyristor, which allows the full a.c. power to be controlled. It comprises two thyristors connected in parallel and working in opposition but controlled by the same gate. The trigger pulses to a triac are provided by a special device called diac, bidirectional breakdown diode. It is, in effect, two Zener diodes connected back to back. The diac conducts in either direction if the applied voltage reaches the breakdown voltage of about 30 V. This
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My world is just a small place with all the comforts- Mother’s lap.” This anthology is written in all genres and languages which makes it more beautiful just like our dear mother. A relationship of a mother and a child is “unconditional” because she loves with our flaws, our mistakes, our grievances, continually forgiving us, giving us another chance to improve and a lot more. Unconditional means loving them without any conditions, regardless of the circumstances, accepting them as they are. A mother can only do such wonders. Every page is fascinating and utterly addictive. Mothers will always bring our teeths shine brighter and make us laugh louder because from where we all came into existence is the only place where the unconditional love started. After all God’s perfection on earth lies in our mothers. Thankyou Mom for everything. Hope you thanked your mom too after reading this book.”
Sabjiyo ki Adhunik kheti (Hindi)
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Retail comes from the French word retailler. It was
used with the meaning of "sale in small quantities" in 1433.
Retail is the last phase of an economic activity. As per
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in selling goods or services to the final consumers for
personal or non-business use. It is those business firms in
distribution channel that comes at the end of the pipeline
connecting manufacturers and customers.
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RasoiGhar Relish the goodness from simple food habits
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