An Alien angry against war deals about wars and its disastrous effects on the earth. The author happens to encounter an Alien. During the course of discussions, the Alien expresses its wrath on the greedy leaders and the ongoing Ukraine and Russia War. He highlights losses incurred due to major wars, offers various ideas to stop wars and also warns about impending natural calamities. He asks all the leaders to go through Self Appraisal Test and poses open challenge to them. He suggests for reduction in defence expenditure and divert funds for human welfare causes. He asks everyone to offer Global Prayers hoping for a Miracle and depute various delegations to warring nations for serious dialogues. He asks whether countries should go in for useless wars looking to the recurring natural calamities and disasters in the world?
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₹199.00 Original price was: ₹199.00.₹185.00Current price is: ₹185.00.
- Author:Subramanian D
- Language : English
- Paperback : 154 Pages
- ISBN-13 : – 978-93-5515-839-0
- Country of Origin : India
- Publisher : Book Rivers(24 Feb 2023)
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