Zindagi ek Safar Aur Tum (Hindi)
ख़्वाब को कर वहे के बारे मंे सोचत ेहैं, बहुत महेरबान है ये जि़्ांदगी जो हमश्ेाा कुछ न कुछ नया दिखाई दिला दतेी हैं। बड़ ेमन से उतर रहा हैं उस चमकीली दुनिया का बड़ा एक जा ेगोनत रूप यह डाउन दोल कर के इसे उसी के हर तरह की अपनी एक फेसबुक जैसे फोकस मे ंअपने मे ंराजा होना। बहुत सारे लड़के अंदर नये लड़के से मिला और मे ंलड़के और गये इसलिये बोल रहा हूँ कि बहुत हैं जो सच ये एक मिशाल की पर खड़ ेऔर दहे हैं, कुछ ओर ऐस ेहैं जा ेदेख-देखकर अपनी दुिनया एक अपनी आरजू को किसी के तरह बना रहे हैं।
Pharmacology of Indian Medicinal Plants
Aloe vera is India’s most favorite herbal medicinal plant that is require low maintenance and easy to grow. The name of aloe is derived from Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning a shining bitter substance. Aloe vera belongs to the family Asphodelaceae (liliaceae) (Ghazanfar, 1994). It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. In India, it is found in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujrat, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. Aloe vera is popular in Ayurvedic medicine (Richard, 2005). There are more than 300 species of aloe plants. This plant has yellow flower the leaves are arranged in rosette configuration. They are triangular and spear like and have thorny ridges. Aloe vera is a customary, dry spell dispute, sticky plant.
A better device is the triac, bidirectional thyristor, which allows the full a.c. power to be controlled. It comprises two thyristors connected in parallel and working in opposition but controlled by the same gate. The trigger pulses to a triac are provided by a special device called diac, bidirectional breakdown diode. It is, in effect, two Zener diodes connected back to back. The diac conducts in either direction if the applied voltage reaches the breakdown voltage of about 30 V. This
Avani Se Amber Tak (Hindi)
‘‘इसमे बुराई क्या हैं ? संदेSH पहुँचाना पुण्य का काम है और तुम्हंE तो इस काम के पैसे भी मिलते हैं। आज के जमानE में डाकिए की नौकरी भी क्या कम हैं ?‘‘ अजय चिढक़र माहेर लगाने लगा। पOस्टमास्टर लौट आया और कुर्सी पर बैठकर बीडी़ पीने लगा। फिर बोला-‘‘अब जाओ भी, चिट्ठियाँ न हीं बांटनी क्या ?‘‘
haseen khwab (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book Rivers (13 September 2020)
- Language : Hindi
- Paperback : 162 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9389914930
- ISBN-13 : 978-9389914931
- Country of Origin : India
- Generic Name : Book
MYSTICA is a collection of eighty poems from the golden pen of honorable poet Sunita Singh which blossomson the side lines of a Poetic highway of revelations. All real poetic love experience and bit more a whole, embodied, and engaged with in a poetic life journey from the mind- set of an upcoming poet are well crafted in her fabulous, lovely poems in this book of poetry,Mystica.
विद्यार्थी जीवन से ही कुछ कर गुजरने की चाहत (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book River (19 December 2020)
- Language : Hindi
- Country of Origin : India
Aao Matdaan Kare (Hindi)
बाई -बतीजावाद, जात-ऩात, रोब- रारच, ऩऺऩात आदद से यदहत, रोकतॊत्र की यऺा के शरए कदटफद्ध, जागरूक भतदाताओॊ को मह ऩुस्तक सादय सभवऩतत है।
it was so lovely, so shining can i describe it enough? matchless was my sweetheart! missing somewhere in self-being i should have let it go rough perhaps, it was too much care! it was the bonding, not a bondage bouts were just the mere everything was so dreamy souls knew the way, but the life defeated it miserably i thought i will handle it well nodding was not easier, but obligations created a shell i believed love is an art, can‟t be perfected, never be completed through this endless lane, we fell apart and one fine day love and life reasoned and declared to walk away.
Main Anjum Hoon (Hindi)
My interactions with Anjum Salman Hussain (a.k.a ‘Appiya’ by her family, friends and anyone who knows her) started two years ago initially with gestures of greeting to each other. Gradually along with just the greeting we started talking about life, politics and her work with Civil Defense. Sometimes we also talked and discussed about the history of India and its people. I am quite inspired; by her outlook on life and her ways of dealing with its complexities. Interacting with her has definitely helped me improve my knowledge and has changed my perspective towards life.
The Early Voting Behaviour in Mizoram: 1972-1987
My heartiest gratitude goes to my father who left on the 13th March, 2005, whose love and inspiring messages put me up to this success. His insight visions of selfless sacrificed pushes me to go on. lt is distressful to celebrate when he is no more to rejoice along. This book is dedicated to His Memorial.
The little sister of the holy Mahanadi ( A Novel )
In major parts of the country, seasonal human migration in search of work is still a big topic for the contemplation of the social economist scholars till date, still remains to be done ! The big people having a capitalist mood have discovered the new tools of exploitation. They are unable to handle the bone mashing tough work for their big plots. Even today, these so -called landlords are living a good life, depending on the man power of others. While the one who works in their fields as a daily wages worker or a bonded labour keeps on living all the time by the grace of these big people. Sometimes they sacrifice even their whole lives to these big men. They don't care what about if they are looted to by these big men. Tenancy and the share - cropping are totally disguised in their form and landless people are always trapped in these fascinating ideas. The story of mankind is a great story of love, hater, attachment, separation, envy, revenge, etc . Even after making such a long journey today, we are still there in the world where we were in the past.