The Early Voting Behaviour in Mizoram: 1972-1987
My heartiest gratitude goes to my father who left on the 13th March, 2005, whose love and inspiring messages put me up to this success. His insight visions of selfless sacrificed pushes me to go on. lt is distressful to celebrate when he is no more to rejoice along. This book is dedicated to His Memorial.
The little sister of the holy Mahanadi ( A Novel )
In major parts of the country, seasonal human migration in search of work is still a big topic for the contemplation of the social economist scholars till date, still remains to be done ! The big people having a capitalist mood have discovered the new tools of exploitation. They are unable to handle the bone mashing tough work for their big plots. Even today, these so -called landlords are living a good life, depending on the man power of others. While the one who works in their fields as a daily wages worker or a bonded labour keeps on living all the time by the grace of these big people. Sometimes they sacrifice even their whole lives to these big men. They don't care what about if they are looted to by these big men. Tenancy and the share - cropping are totally disguised in their form and landless people are always trapped in these fascinating ideas. The story of mankind is a great story of love, hater, attachment, separation, envy, revenge, etc . Even after making such a long journey today, we are still there in the world where we were in the past.
Corticosteroids are medicines that are similar to the natural hormone cortisone and belong to the family of drugs called steroids.
Life Lessons – to be Retold
We all know that we human beings are the greatest creation of or God nature and have a special quality of intellect. Everything starts from mind and we always strive harder t hroughout our life to achieve great things and fulfil our dreams but amidst the hodgepodge of life and profitable as well as profitless pains ,we forget that initial thing. Many motivational speakers, authors have mentioned about the things like Perception , Authenticity, Relationships, Motivation, Positive set , Curiosity, Mind Happiness and so on. But never have put much emphasis on these topics. This books covers these 7 Veiled Life Lessons that clears the question of readers like ; what is the root of all these things? How perception works? Why and How positive thinking affects our progress? What could be the ultimate success? How and why Relationships can be beneficial? And so on.. The boo k comprises of just 7 lessons with mainly important things to grab, contemplate and apply in daily life to enhance, improve our lives and achieve great goals and remain peaceful and full of felicities. Every one is proficient ,the only need is to help them recognise their abilities and help them by providing Veiled Life lessons after unveiling those in details. The book is short yet elegant in its way as one can easily complete it in a single reading but need deep thinking to grasp the things and make it applicable in his/her daily life.
Taaki Sanad Rahe (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book River (1 January 2021)
- Language : Hindi
- Item Weight : 200 g
- Dimensions : 12 x 2 x 21 cm
- Country of Origin : India
Jeevan Yatra
संकट की घडी़ - मैंने आठवी ंकक्षा द्वितीय श्रेणी में पास की। पिताजी का हुक्म हुआ कि बस पढा़ई हो चुकी। अब अपना पैतृक कार्य करा ेया कोई ओर कार्य सीख ला।े पिताजी बड़ ेरौबीले थे उनके आगे किसी की नहीं चलती थी। मेरा चचेरा भाई राजकुमार छट्ठी पास करके रूलदू राम टलेर मास्टर से सिलाई का काम सीख रहा था। पिताजी ने मुझे भी टलेर मास्टर के पास काम सीखन ेको लगा दिया। परन्तु मेरा मन सिलाई सीखने या दुकान पर बैठन ेका नही ंथा।
Uski Aakar Baaton Main (Hindi)
नमस्कार, वर्ष 1990 के पूर्व से काव्यधाराएँ मुझे अपनी आरे आकर्षित करने लगी थीं। परन्तु उन कविताओं, गीतो ंमें मेरा अपना क्या था, मुझे समझ नहीं आता था। वर्ष 1990 मे ंजब मैं कक्षा 10वीं में अध्ययनरत था उन दिनो ंमंैन ेएक छन्दात्मक कविता जिसका शीर्षक ‘‘सपना‘‘ लिखी और उसी को मैं अपनी पहली रचना मानता हँू। जिसे मेर ेसहपाठी यारों ने खबू सुना व सराहा खास कर वर्तमान में रीवा मे ंरहन ेवाले मेरे मित्र श्री बृजेश अग्निहोत्री को आज भी यह रचना बहुत पसंद है। छन्दात्मक रचनाओ ंके बाद मैंने अतुकांत रचनाएँ भी लिखीं पर समय के परिवर्तन न ेमुझमे ंभी परिवर्तन लाया और मैं गीत, गज़ल आदि भी लिखने लगा। इसी दौरान मैंन ेआकाशवाणी एवं मंचीय कवि सम्मेलनों मे ंकाव्यपाठ किया। उसी समय से प्रदेश की विभिन्न पत्र पत्रिकाओं मे ंमेरी रचनाओं का प्रकाशन होता रहा है। मैं शुरू से ही अपना नाम ‘‘कुमार सागर‘‘ लिखता आ रहा हूँ। मैंने वर्ष 1995-96 मे ं एक अखिल भारतीय कविसम्मेलन (दमोह) में भी भाग लिया, जिसके आयाजेक, संयाजेक व मंचीय कवि कौन-कौन थे मुझे याद नहीं, परन्तु यह याद है कि मंच का संचालन श्री अशाके चक्रधर जी ने किया था एव ंआदरणीय कुमार विश्वास भी उस मंच पर थे। उस समय भी लोग न ेश्री विश्वास जी को बहुत सुनना था, हम लागे ांे न े काव्यपाठ किया। दसू र े दिन तीन-चार कवियांे के बीच समाचार पत्रों में मेरा चित्र भी प्रकाशित हुआ, जिससे काव्य-रचना के प्रति मेरा रूझान और भी बढ़ा।
Product details
- Publisher : Book River (1 January 2021)
- Language : English
- Item Weight : 200 g
- Dimensions : 12 x 2 x 21 cm
- Country of Origin : India
Product details
- Publisher : Book River (1 January 2021)
- Language : English
- Item Weight : 200 g
- Dimensions : 12 x 2 x 21 cm
Nav Jeevan (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book River (1 January 2021)
- Language : Hindi
- Item Weight : 200 g
- Dimensions : 12 x 2 x 21 cm
Aviral (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book River (1 January 2021)
- Language : Hindi
- Item Weight : 200 g
- Dimensions : 12 x 2 x 21 cm
Kalchakra Ko Chalne de (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book River; 1st edition (1 January 2021)
- Language : Hindi
- Item Weight : 200 g
- Dimensions : 12 x 2 x 21 cm
- Country of Origin : India