Shukar Kshetra Soron Mahatyam (Hindi)
जहाँ भागीरथी गंगा मेरे सौकरव अर्थात सूकर क्षेत्र (सोरों) में स्थित है, वहीं मेरा मुख्य निवास है । और वहीं मैंने हे भू देवी ! तुझे रसातल से निकाला था । श्री हरि ने वराह रूप धारण किया तथा दैत्य हिरण्याक्ष का वध कर भू देवी पृथ्वी का उद्धार किया एवं उसी स्थान पर पृथ्वी की स्थापना की । पृथ्वी को स्थापित करने के पश्चात् सूकरक्षेत्र ( सोरों ) नाम से विख्यात हुआ । विश्राम के पश्चात् प्रभु श्री हरि वैकुण्ठ धाम को जाने के लिये उद्यत हुये उसी समय भू देवी ने स्तुति की तब देवी को उस सूकरक्षेत्र (सोरों) का माहात्म्य वर्णन किया।
Dard Ke Saye (Hindi)
इस पुस्तक के लेखक दर्शन कुमार वसन का जन्म जम्मू ( जम्मू कश्मीर ) में 1953 में हुआ। 1975 में जम्मू विश्वविद्यालय से कैमिस्ट्री में एम एस सी की। 1976 में भारत सरकार की सेवा में चण्डीगढ़, भुवनेश्वर और लुधियाना में रहे। 2013 में पंजाब कृषि विश्वविद्यालय लुधियाना कैम्पस में स्थित केन्द्रीय सरकार के भारतीय अनाज संचयन प्रबंधन एवं अनुसंधान संस्थान से सहायक निदेशक के पद पर से सेवा निवृति प्राप्त की। इस से पहले 10 लघु नाटकों का संग्रह " खोये चेहरे का दर्द प्रकाशित हो चुका है।
A Mirror of General English For class x
Dear Students at this level are supposed to have some fundamental knowledge of English grammar. This book helps students to improve their grammar knowledge, expanding their vocabulary, and becoming more confident in following expressing themselves in English.
There are millions of people who fail in search of success. It is said, that every failure in life is a stepping stone towards success. This book is written after a lot of thoughts and questions pertaining to what success is. what successful living is. maybe, a way to live that puts you effortlessly on a path to success. The pain and confusion after reading so much about what to do? and what not to do? This book is a pointer that life is a flow, and so is all success. Be in the correct flow and everything follows. Everything written here is to be made a part of your life.Live in a higher vibrational energy field where nothing is impossible to achieve.
Accessibility of the Differently Abled In Public Places
Persons with disabilities are members of society and have the right to remain within their local communities. They should receive the support they need within the ordinary structures of education, health, employment, social services and public amenities.
राजनीति और मानवाधिकार के प्रश्न वैचारिकी (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book Rivers (15 August 2020)
- Language : Hindi
- ISBN-10 : 938991454X
- ISBN-13 : 978-9389914542
- Country of Origin : India
- Generic Name : Books
“And now science has presented us with a hope called stem cell research, which may provide our scientists with many answers that have for so long been beyond our grasp. I don't see how we can turn our backs on this. There are so many diseases that can be cured or at least helped. We've lost so much time already. I can't bear to lose any more.”
Health is a state of well-being with both objective and subjective aspects that exists on a continuum from maximal wellness to maximal illness. A persons‘ health may change along this continuum under the influence of biological, psychological, spiritual, social and cultural factors that are inter-related and fluctuate over time
Geetika Gunjan (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book Rivers (25 August 2020)
- Language : Hindi
- Paperback : 111 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9389914590
- ISBN-13 : 978-9389914597
- Country of Origin : India
- Generic Name : Book
Phoolkumari (Hindi)
Product details
- Publisher : Book Rivers (29 July 2020)
- Language : Hindi
- Paperback : 69 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9389914639
- ISBN-13 : 978-9389914634
- Generic Name : Book
‘Charaiveti’ (Vivekananda’s Dialogue on People, Politics & Space)
Vivekananda had travelled within India as a 'parivrajaka' (the travelling monk) from 1888 to 1893 and in May 1893 crossed the 'kalapani' (crossing the inland water boundary) to represent India in the Parliament of World's Religion held in Chicago. This incident led to many more travels within India and the West. He was a traveller who left his impressions, views and observations in the form of letters, diaries and memoirs. A close study of such documents, as well as secondary materials, leads to questions of imperialism, identity, self-other dichotomy, comparative religion, women and acculturation.