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English as a Medium of Instruction: Teachers’ Attitude and Students Academic Performance
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Ummeed Chhutti Nhi
₹125.00 Original price was: ₹125.00.₹110.00Current price is: ₹110.00.
- Author: Neeta Jha
- Language : Hindi
- Paperback : 94 pages
- ISBN-13 : – 978-93-5515-694-5
- Country of Origin : India
- Publisher : Book Rivers(05 January 2023)
Category: POETRY
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Product details
- Publisher : Book River (1 January 2021)
- Language : Hindi
- Item Weight : 200 g
- Dimensions : 12 x 2 x 21 cm
- Country of Origin : India
A poem, a shayari.... something that one individual writes and is felt by the audience at large. Words, sentences, paragraphs that are etched in one's minds and are remembered till the grave, they make a person wise and bring them close to reality. In a world where people are busy accomplishing a life that they had dreamt of, one has almost forgotten to sit back and live im the moment. In "Chhand Band Kavitayein", Somya Bariar brings to you some of her finest short poems that encourage you to just take a little break and relax. With her engaging words and powerful statements, she is very promising. Indulge yourself in this very anthology where Somya has spoken her mind trying to connect with yours.
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