Dr. Alexander Harasthy stood surveying the wreckage around him; concrete and bent steel was all that was left of the much-hyped nuclear power plant. Years of work and research, not to mention millions of dollars, all gone to waste, laying in tatters and ruins in front of him. Several prominent physicists had worked hard to bring to fruition the clean energy project for undeveloped countries. This plant had been the culmination of their dreams and efforts. The scope of such a plant had been vast; unmitigated energy supply to a backward country – could have brought forward its development by several decades. „Bring light to those in darkness‟; he remembered a senior physicist, who had played an instrumental part in the setting up of this plant, comment. It had brought light alright; light and brimstones and the fires of hell with it
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That Night at Napa Valley
₹349.00 Original price was: ₹349.00.₹330.00Current price is: ₹330.00.
- Author: JJ Karikottu
- Language : English
- Paperback : 222 Pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-93-5842-052-4
- Country of Origin : India
- Publisher : Book Rivers(19 july 2023)
Categories: Books, NON-FICTION
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Looking down the river Jhelum, from the middle of the Zero Bridge, I always felt lighter, and my spirits uplifted. I always felt its serpentine stream whispering into my ears. Though I could not make much out of those whispers. I was just a young teenager full of exuberance and energy. A chrysalis jostling to open the wings. An embryo ready to break the shell. Restless kitten hustling around in its own bliss.
The Subconscious Tales
Desçription:Hey Moon, Do you know how it feels?, Broken Heart, Anxiety, Love, Shoes of a Woman, Painful Goodbyes, Hope, Expectations, Sometimes, Lost, Caged and many more. These are some of the poetries and topics you will love reading and I am sure if you read it you can relate some of the writings with yourself too because the writers here are very passionate. Don't just read it feel the depth of each word inked on the papers of this book. The body is in your hand, flip the pages one by one and encounter with it's soul which is made out of the feelings and emotions of different writers from around the Country. Some Anthologies are meant to be read, loved and passed on. The Subconscious Tales is one of them.
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