The evolution of orthodontic materials in the past 5 decades has been a unique progress curve characterized by periods of intense activity with many developments followed by long quiescent intervals. An example of the delay in adopting the advances in dentistry might well be illustrated by the acid-etching technique, which was introduced in the mid 1950s1 and became universally accepted in the 1960s. It took more than a decade for this practice to become standard procedure in orthodontics on a large scale. Infact, orthodontic bonding has advanced more in last 10 years than previous 25. In the past decad
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- Language : English
- Paperback : 196 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-93-5515-274-9
- Country of Origin : India
- Generic Name : Thesis
- Publisher : Book Rivers(14 March 2022)
Category: Books
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