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Operating System
Artificial Intelligence And Applications
- Author:Dr. G Revathy ,Mrs. J. Justina Princy Thilagavathy ,Mr. V Rajaram,Mrs. C . Nithiya
- Language : English
- Hardcase : 140 Pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-93-5842-564-2
- Country of Origin : India
- Publisher : Book Rivers(12 March 2024)
Categories: Books, Science And Technology
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प्रणाम्!! आप जिस पुस्तक के बारे में प-सजय़ रहे हैं वह एक संस्कृत काव्य है जिसमें भगवती दुर्गा की स्तुतियाँ निहित हैं। यह संस्कृत भाषा की पद्य शैली की रचना है जिसका हिन्दी अनुवाद भी है। संस्कृत में गीत परक रचित काव्य आप पाठक-ंउचयजन को अवश्य आनन्द देने वाला होगा। अतः आपसे सानुरोध निवेदन है कि इस पुस्तक को एक बार अवश्य प-सजय़े। आपके आशीष का आकाँक्षी। धन्यवाद!!
A Detailed Survey On Religiosity And Paranormal Experiences
This study is about people in their formative years. It is about their beliefs and practices. It is about their personality and how it relates to their beliefs. It involves empirical investigation of 1800 college going men (882) and women (918) with an average age of about 20 years. The subjects are predominantly Hindu (85%), with 12% Christian and 3% Muslim student attending colleges in Visakhapatnam urban area. Data were collected from them using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the two specially developed questionnaires that survey religiosity and paranormal beliefs and experiences. Paranormal beliefs and experiences surveyed included sacred as well as secular beliefs, experiences, and practices. While several studies in the West attempted to explore the relationships between personality, paranormal beliefs and religious practices and experiences, there are hardly any investigations in non-Judeo-Christian cultures. The present study can help by throwing light on the cross-cultural relevance of these findings
Initially Indian commercial banks were classified into four core groups viz. State Bank Group (SBG), Nationalized Banks (NBs), Old Private Sector Banks (OPSBs) and New Private Sector Banks (NPSBs). Then one commercial bank was selected from each of the four core groups. The selection of banks from each group was based on a study conducted by IIM-Udaipur along with Economic Times and an independent organization named Futurescape2. Their study identified India‟s top 100 companies for sustainability and CSR.
Changing Scenario of Business and Management
The Govt. of India introduced economically favorable policy for housing in June 2015with a vision to provide shelter for all. There are several projects that were scheduled but could not take off due to the pandemic and the remaining existing ones were halted due to various reasons. Thus, PMAY also faced the brunt of pandemic and this chapter aims at highlighting those limitations and providing future roadmap for PMAY.
Unconditional Love Mom
My world is just a small place with all the comforts- Mother’s lap.” This anthology is written in all genres and languages which makes it more beautiful just like our dear mother. A relationship of a mother and a child is “unconditional” because she loves with our flaws, our mistakes, our grievances, continually forgiving us, giving us another chance to improve and a lot more. Unconditional means loving them without any conditions, regardless of the circumstances, accepting them as they are. A mother can only do such wonders. Every page is fascinating and utterly addictive. Mothers will always bring our teeths shine brighter and make us laugh louder because from where we all came into existence is the only place where the unconditional love started. After all God’s perfection on earth lies in our mothers. Thankyou Mom for everything. Hope you thanked your mom too after reading this book.”
Fracture Behavior of Biological Materials and Interfaces
Fracture Behavior of Inhomogeneous Biological Materials and Interfaces
Biological materials like bone, nacre, human tooth layers are inhomogeneous materials made up of soft collagen, and hard, hydroxyapatite (HAP) mineral arranged in such a fashion so that these materials have higher strength and toughness, the measure of crack resisting behavior in materials, at the same time, which is exclusive in nature for different class of materials available for different application areas. The interfaces in these biological materials are designed in such a fashion so that the load transfer between the constituents takes place so smoothly, therefore, become a region of strength, not susceptible to failure like in other man-made materials and composites. It is important to understand these aspects of biological materials so that they can be mimicked to the novel materials to satisfy the growing need of different industries.
This work is focused on studying different layers of human tooth, and its interface for crack initiation and growth, the crack arresting behavior of the interface layer of the outer cover of human tooth, the enamel, and the inner, dentine, called dentine enamel junction. These works are done by developing a numerical model using the commercial finite element analysis tool, ABAQUS. The crack growth pattern of the enamel and the dentine has also been investigated. The role of porosity and permeability on the energy release rate which is the measure of fracture toughness has also been investigated. The key features of the book are:
- Study on the role of shear modulus of the defect and the matrix material in which the defect is embedded on the energy release rate.
- The role of small coating layer between the outer matrix and the inner layer on the fracture behavior, especially the stress concentrations in these different layers due to change in the elastic modulus.
- The crack growth pattern in human enamel, the outer tooth layer.
- The crack arresting phenomena of the interfacial, dentine enamel junction (DEJ).
- The role of porosity and permeability on the energy release rate in the inner layer of human tooth, dentine.
Network marketing is the fastest growing business in this 21st century in U.S number of people involved in the N.M grew from 18 million to 20 million in 2015. And 11% increase from the previous year. While network marketing continue to attract predominantly women. The business model represents every generation and is generally reflective of America’s diverse population
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