'मेरे दिल की सुनो', नीलिमा पाठक पांडेय की व्यक्तिगत जज्बातों के कई रंगो से सृजन किया हुआ एक कविता संग्रह है। उनके अवलोकन और अनुभवों को दर्शाते हुए उनकी ये एक सच्ची कोशिश है। Nilima Pathak Pandey, the author has been true to her observations and experiences to bring you a beautifully sculpted collection of poetry - ' मेरे दिल की सुनो'
Agriculture and farming are topmost necessity of all the time. Irrational industrialization and urban development grab most of the fecund and fertile land for these dummy developmental shows. A bit of land piece is everything for the major part of our population. If someone snatches this means he kills him! This novel screams against this injustice. In our democratic system freedom, equality and fraternity are keywords but where are they now the days? Do they support Charu Bhouji like person in need...
Lyrical Journey is a collection of poetry about the ups and downs of India, a country whose heart is always filled with hope even in the dark conditions. A collection of 24 poems gives you a striking feature of different phases encountered by country people. Being Indian is itself a complete sense of entirety and that's what the poet wants to describe here in these poems
इस संग्रह में शामिल रचनाओं में सरिता ने जीवन की विडम्बनाओं को शब्द देने की कोशिश की है। वैसे भी मेरा व्यक्तिगत रूप से यह मानना है कि की जब कोई नवोदित कवि कुछ नया लिखने का सोच रहा होता है तो हमे उसका उत्साहवर्धन करना चाहिए क्योंकि वह नया रचनाकार दुनियां में कुछ अच्छा करना चाहता है।हो सकता है उसकी भाषा, शब्द संयोजन कमजोर हो लेकिन जो कार्य वह करना चाहता है अर्थात कविता लिखना चाहता है तो यह तय है कि उसका उद्देश्य तो पवित्र है।
Looking down the river Jhelum, from the middle of the Zero Bridge, I always felt lighter, and my spirits uplifted. I always felt its serpentine stream whispering into my ears. Though I could not make much out of those whispers. I was just a young teenager full of exuberance and energy. A chrysalis jostling to open the wings. An embryo ready to break the shell. Restless kitten hustling around in its own bliss.
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