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Needle Man By Haider Ali Khan



  • ISBN : 978-93-90548-49-1
  • Publisher : Book River (10 March 2021)
  • Language : Hindi
  • Dimensions : 12 x 6 x 21 cm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Pages : 115

Marm Sparsh ( Hindi)

Original price was: ₹149.00.Current price is: ₹139.00.
मममस्पर्म के माध्यम े मैंने अपने जै े ही अथाह वेदना हने वाले व्यचथि जनों की व्यथा कथा को पाठकों के म्मुख रखने का प्रयत्न ककया है। मेरी कथाओिं के पात्र िो भारि के प्रत्येक र्गााँव में शमलिे हैं ककिंिु उन्हें मरणोपरािंि िो छोड़ ही दें जीवन काल में भी इिना कष्ट हने के उपरान्ि कोई उचचि िंवेदना नहीिं प्राप्ि होिी। इन लोर्गों पर िो इनकी मकालीन पीहढ़यािं ही ध्यान नहीिं देिी हैं भावी पीढ़ी की िो बाि ही छोड़ दें। मेरा यह प्रया ग्रामीण अिंचलों के दुःखनायकों को िंवेदना पूणम श्रद्धािंजशल मात्र है।

Unconditional Love Mom

My world is just a small place with all the comforts- Mother’s lap.” This anthology is written in all genres and languages which makes it more beautiful just like our dear mother. A relationship of a mother and a child is “unconditional” because she loves with our flaws, our mistakes, our grievances, continually forgiving us, giving us another chance to improve and a lot more. Unconditional means loving them without any conditions, regardless of the circumstances, accepting them as they are. A mother can only do such wonders. Every page is fascinating and utterly addictive. Mothers will always bring our teeths shine brighter and make us laugh louder because from where we all came into existence is the only place where the unconditional love started. After all God’s perfection on earth lies in our mothers. Thankyou Mom for everything. Hope you thanked your mom too after reading this book.”


प्रणाम्!! आप जिस पुस्तक के बारे में प-सजय़ रहे हैं वह एक संस्कृत काव्य है जिसमें भगवती दुर्गा की स्तुतियाँ निहित हैं। यह संस्कृत भाषा की पद्य शैली की रचना है जिसका हिन्दी अनुवाद भी है। संस्कृत में गीत परक रचित काव्य आप पाठक-ंउचयजन को अवश्य आनन्द देने वाला होगा। अतः आपसे सानुरोध निवेदन है कि इस पुस्तक को एक बार अवश्य प-सजय़े। आपके आशीष का आकाँक्षी। धन्यवाद!!

Bacche Man Ke Sacche (Hindi)


Product details

  • Publisher : Book Rivers (15 September 2020)
  • Language : Hindi
  • Paperback : 54 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 8193572874
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8193572870
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Generic Name : Book

मै बपुरा बूडन डरा – Main Bapura Budhan Dara (Hindi


Product details

  • Publisher : Book Rivers; First Edition (14 September 2019)
  • Language : Hindi
  • Paperback : 192 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 8194236312
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8194236313
  • Dimensions : 1.1 x 1.3 x 2.1 cm
  • Country of Origin : British Indian Ocean Territory
  • Generic Name : Books

Sathiyai Aurat (Hindi)

उम्र आती गई अपने निशान छोड़ती गई साथ में कमजोरियों को भी बड़ी शिद्दत से जी-जान से ले आती गई तुम, उम्र का तकाजा कहकर स्वीकारती गई मगर अपनी कर्मठता, जीवटता और बिंदासपने को कभी नहीं छोड़ा तभी तो हर आघात हर चोट के बाद उतने ही उत्साह और नये जोश के साथ उनका सामना करती अंगूठा दिखाती

From Freinds To Beloved

The book named From Friends To Beloved contains all the poetries, short tales and confessions for their loved ones. The writers from all over India came across and took an initiative to pen down all the feelings about their loved ones and how their journey started by just been friends at initial stages. Loving your bestfriend is common thing but loving unconditionally and dreaming of marrying and making future partner is something an unique thing in that particular relationship. Rather than being stranger and making yourself comfortable for that person is much more better to love and marry your own bestfriend who knows you and understands you better, stands and supports with and for you in bad and good times. This journey is perfectly named as From Friends To Beloved.

Dark Room Mystery

This book name DARK ROOM MYSTERY is compiled by SIMRAN GANGWANI & SNEHA KUMARI and is basically based on past experience which has happened years back but it's memory keeps on repeating in our mind, like a reel of a film, which then becomes a mystery, something we can never share with anyone. Somewhere someone something keeps killing us from inside every day. We are getting locked in our own dark life which is becoming full of mystery. Co-authors from different parts of India have come together for sharing up their life's dark mystery in the form of open letters, poem, story, quotes.


The book is intended to improve the communication skills at a beginner‘s level. The book, in nut shell is the ‗collection of random notes‘ which I found useful and interesting during the journey of my own learning of language in general and English in particular

Kattrta Ke Chakravyuh (Hindi)


Product details

  • Publisher : Book Rivers (19 November 2020)
  • Language : Hindi
  • Hardcover : 310 pages
  • ISBN-10 : 8194824834
  • ISBN-13 : 978-8194824831
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Generic Name : Book

Mastering Arduino Basics in 30 Days

Connect the components by following the circuit diagram .Remember that potentiometers have three pins. Outer Pins are used for the vcc (Power Source) and the other is ground. The middle pins (output) give us the variable of resistance value.