This edited book Emerging Business Practices and Trends During COVID-19 represents various practices and trends adopted by the businesses in COVID-19 at different levels. The different issues which are addressed by the authors in this edited book are as impact of ICT on public and business administration in India during COVID-19, analysing and assessing the impact of COVID-19 on agriculture sectors, mining, construction and social services, analysing impact of COVID-19 on global aviation industry and comparing the volume of passengers handled globally in PRE-COVID and POST-COVID times. The book also explains the effect of past and present impact of pandemics, the outcome of virtual art businesses and how these businesses can be retained in the virtual mode, the impact of COVID-19 in the International economy, understanding about the livestream tools available and overview about the global progress of livestream. Further various issues covered like overview of migrations in India and the problems faced by migrants due to pre-informed announcement of nationwide lockdown, the real start-up opportunities for entrepreneurship in this pandemic situation
Emerging Business Practices And Trends During COVID-19
₹499.00 ₹490.00
- Author: Dr.Amit Verma ,Dr.Satinder Kumar
- Language : English
- Paperback : 496 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-93-90548-96-5
- Country of Origin : India
- Generic Name : Academic, Edited
- Publisher : BR Press India (22 October 2021
Categories: Academic, Books
Tag: Amit Verma
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